A lot of you have been bugging us to post about our experiences at work. So far I have avoided doing it because after I leave work I usually like to forget that it even exists, ha.
But I promise you that next week we’ll post a big blog about teaching ESL in
Until then you will have to settle for an introduction to some of the children I teach. One of the tasks that an English teacher often has is naming the Korean children. Sure, little Bom Suk already has a Korean name but he needs an English name too. Last week I was given the task of assigning English names to a classroom of 12 year old children. Although it was a little silly I took the task in stride and did the best job I could.
Here's little Melodee. She has the busiest mouth of all the students and not only is she full of piss and vinegar but she's proud of it. She loves to be in charge and god help any of the boys when she's angry.
Meet little Heather. Or as I call her, the enforcer. Sure she looks cute in this picture but she throws a vicious right hook and uses it on anyone who makes fun of Blueberry Creek. She's also naturally maternalistic and was the only student to show any concern when I nearly died from the Korean flu.
This is Julee and man can she talk. For hours and hours and hours. Sometimes she drinks too much juice and tells us all what she really thinks of us, good times.
This little lady killer is Harman. Sure Harman's technically a last name but I think it works. He can argue and argue and argue. Sigh, just like the real deal. Only this one is much more advanced with his oratory skills. Here is an example of a debate from earlier today:
Shayne - Well to be honest Harman I always believed Kugelmann's interpretation of Marx was far too labour orientated.
Harman - My apple is red.
Shayne - Why yes, that is a good point. I can see that your apple is indeed red. I concede defeat.
This little cutie is Sheri. She once waited 7 years for little Russ to ask her to the big dance, but that's just the kind of patience she has. Sheri hates it when the other students fight and always tries to get in the middle. Although when you push her too hard she explodes and reminds you who is really in charge.
Haha, this is Jay. He's always nagging me about getting a real job and a haircut. For some reason he loves the Liberal party and isn't willing to admit that the NDP are the future.
Meet little Michael of the Clan Ouelette. He doesn't speak English...or oddly enough that much Korean either. He has terrible taste in movies and spends most of his time on MSN instead of running the class pub.
Meet little Rick. He doesn't say a lot but when he does it's important. He also thinks he can fix anything and one time he built a deck in the back of the classroom. A week later it collapsed and little Dustin fell through it. Poor little guy.
Last but not least is little Rob. Haha this kid is as slippery as they come. Not only has he mastered the art of manipulation at the ripe old age of 10, but he's got a degree from the school of hard knocks. He's also badass enough to rock an earring making him much cooler than the real deal. He spends most of his time trying to get little Michael to actually work and talking about the time he ran for class president.
Well there ya have it, all of the English names I was creative enough to come up with. This post was nothing but in-jokes, so for most of you I apologize. It was the only way I could remember all of their names. Ha, my favourite one is Harman. I'm reinventing the English language one student at a time.