Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Last Goodbye

Greetings from Vancouver.

The last three days have been an emotional rollercoaster that would put any Disney ride to shame. From dozens of last goodbyes, to crying parents, to the sad feelings that come when you leave behind so many wonderful people we have really faced the gauntlet. Right now I am typing this entry four hours before I have to wake up and head for the airport. It’s going to be a bittersweet day. Sweet because I will be leaving North America for the first time and heading to a new country to do a job that I’m really excited about. Bitter because I now realize just how much we will be leaving behind.

They say that you don’t know what you have until it’s gone and it seems that they are right. We have so many great friends and family members in our lives that it was easy to take things for granted. The idea of living in a new country with no one we know around for thousands of miles will definitely put things into perspective for you. Anyway, we want to say our last final goodbye and that we are really going to miss all of you.

I promise that the next entry will be funnier or at least semi interesting. But it’s midnight and a fellow is allowed to be a little emotional on the day he leaves home for the first time (even if he stayed till the ripe old age of 23 and lasted longer at home then any of his friends hehe ). The next time we post we will be doing so from Korea.

Until then, enjoy some pics from today.



Saying goodbye to the boys (and Kayla)

The Eager little tourists (in Kelowna of all places)

(I only wish that we could have taken him)


Jason Harman said...

How about a follow-up post so we know you're still alive!

Joanna said...

Hey guys

It's great to see that several of you have made your way to the site. Hopefully you stick around for a while. We promise to post more now that we finally have the net. Cheers