Saturday, June 23, 2007

Fitness: Korean style

As our year here draws to a close, we decided that it was about time to write a blog about the gym we've been going to all this time. Like most things in Korea, it's similar to gyms back home...but, so different.

The first time we went to the gym, we brought along some gym clothes (as one does), only to find out that only "crazy" people wear their own clothes, and that we were to don special gym uniforms...

Here's Shayne modeling the men's uniform.

And here I am with the women's version.

You may be thinking that these uniforms are extremely ugly. In this we would be in agreement.

Now, Korean gyms are full of all the equipment you'd expect to find: treadmills, stationary bikes, weight machines, etc. But they're also full of many things that you wouldn't expect...

In the above photo, Shayne is demonstrating a fitness craze that's taken Korea by storm: the hula-hoop. Now, this ain't no ordinary hoop. It's heavy and it has hard nubbs all around the inside. I can understand the weight, as it makes it easier to keep the thing rotating, but I can't think of any purpose for the nubbs other than pure punishment. Maybe they're supposed to massage you as you hula, but I felt only pain.

...And another form of punishment is this strange turn-you-upside-down number. This was the first time either of us had tried it, but as we've both witnessed many, many Korean gym-goers using it, we thought there had to be some benefit. The only "benefit" Shayne could derive, however, was a headache from all the blood rushing to his head.

And here I am demonstrating the "Superbelt Massager," another extremely popular "fitness" machine. These things were discredited in the west years ago, but apparently many Koreans still find hope in the holy grail of fitness that is weight-loss without the effort. To be fair, I have seen many people using this to massage sore muscles, but they're in the minority.

Speaking of massage, here's Shayne enjoying the motorized version of those wooden massagers you buy at the Body Shop. Only in Korea.

Anyways, that's the quick and dirty of it. We hope you've enjoyed your tour of "Emperor Fitness" and we hope to see you again soon.

Until next time,


Jason Harman said...

Can't believe its only one week to go! You guys must be excited to get out of there and do some travelling. Looking forward to those blogs for sure.

Anonymous said...

Well to me some of the equipment looks a bit of like torture,especially the upside down machine. Now as for the hula hoop,I remember that well,but..thank goodness they did not have BUMPS inside the rim,anyway you look at it you both look fit and healthy.